Free Program Within! Also, what is “fitness” and how does exercise drive a “fitness journey”?

The hardest thing to figure out when you’re starting your fitness journey is exactly that - where do I even begin? There are plenty of choices out there, maybe too many, so it’s easy to be overwhelmed. You can hire a personal trainer and have them teach you how to do resistance training (free weights & machines, high intensity interval training, etc.), you can join a group exercise class such as Zumba or Crossfit, you can join a run club that’s established in your town, or even engage in yoga and tai-chi with dedicated professionals in those fields. No matter what, the options are endless, but picking which to do is by far the hardest step in beginning to get in shape. So what I always tell people is to choose what child you would choose. Child me wanted to be big and strong, so I initially chose lifting weights as my fitness modality and continue to until this day.

Staring at an athlete getting ready for the moment

Once that decision of how to get in shape is made it is now your job to figure out what being a “fit” individual means. From my experience, both in strength and conditioning & personal training, and now nursing, that answer has been different for everyone. For most individuals its losing weight, for others the goal is to add muscle, and for the athletes out there the goal ranges, but the you must understand what fitness means to you.

There was a time in my life that fitness meant I needed to throw the heaviest amount of weight over my head in order to be the best Olympic style weightlifter in the nation. Over the years since I made that goal I’ve gotten married, bought and sold a condo, had my daughter, and started a business- so now that goal of being the best weightlifter changed. Now I just want to be able to run around with my daughter and maintain the muscle I gained during my athletic career for the rest of my life.

So what’s my advice when it comes to fitness? Find first what you like the most that can challenge your body. Second, make sure that exercise class, or personal trainer, or whatever, aligns with what your idea of fitness is and attack those goals with ferocity. You are spending your hard earned money and time in order to realize your idea of what a physical in shape individual should be- make the most out of it!

Now if you’re stuck on how to get started and you don’t yet want to buy a gym membership or hires someone yet, I created a simple 3 day program that you can do from the comfort of your home. Everything from sets, repetitions, and exercise videos are within this PDF linked below.

Steps to Download your Free Program

  1. Click below link

  2. Open Google Sheet available

  3. Enjoy!

When you do decide to download and start exercising with our program, feel free to adjust as need be. If you can’t do 10 push-ups or 20 squats, cut it in half. Pace yourself and always leave a couple of metaphorical gallons in the tank!

Free “Beginning your Fitness Journey Program”

-Khalil Harrison


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